Digital Competencies of Librarians in University Libraries in Nigeria

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Kolawole Francis Ogunbodede Imade Adebayo Atchrimi


The study examined the digital competencies of librarians in university libraries in south-south Nigeria. The descriptive survey design was adopted. The population of the study comprised 200 librarians in university libraries in south-south Nigeria. An online survey was used to collect data, and 109 responded to the online survey. Data were analysed using SPSS version 23. The findings showed that librarians have a high level of basic digital competence skills and that they employ various methods to acquire digital skills. Inconsistent power supply, poor ICT facilities, lack of ICT training opportunities, high cost of ICT literacy training, lack of sponsorship, and overload of working hours were some of the challenges faced by librarians in acquiring digital skills. The test of hypothesis showed there is a statistically significant difference in the level of digital competence of librarians by gender in favour of the male. The researchers recommended that university libraries, library associations, and university management should provide in-house training for librarians and also provide financial support to attend workshops to continue to improve their digital skills.

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How to Cite
OGUNBODEDE, Kolawole Francis; ADEBAYO ATCHRIMI, Imade. Digital Competencies of Librarians in University Libraries in Nigeria. Zambia Journal of Library & Information Science (ZAJLIS ), ISSN: 2708-2695, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 1, p. 9-13, june 2024. ISSN 2708-2695. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 12 mar. 2025.
Information and Communication Technologies(ICTs)


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