The Omissions of the Higher Education Act of 2013 and Its Amended Act of 2021

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Tuesday Bwalya


This paper sought to highlight some omissions of the Higher Education Act of 2013 and its Amendment Act of 2021. In this regard, the principal Act and its amendment Act were analysed. Further, higher education and universities Acts in other countries were reviewed. The findings show that the Higher Education Act of 2013 has not entrenched Quality Assurance (QA) in higher education by failing to provide for a permanent committee on QA. Further, the removal of workers and student representatives from sitting on the University Councils partly erodes transparency in the governance of universities. Furthermore, the reduction of council members from 16 to 9 limits the knowledge and skills available to the council. Other omissions observed include the allowing of private higher education institutions (HEIs) to affiliate other HEIs which may compromise the quality of higher education. It is therefore recommended that the Act be amended to cure the observed omissions.

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How to Cite
BWALYA, Tuesday. The Omissions of the Higher Education Act of 2013 and Its Amended Act of 2021. Zambia Journal of Library & Information Science (ZAJLIS ), ISSN: 2708-2695, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 2, p. 31-38, dec. 2023. ISSN 2708-2695. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 10 feb. 2025.
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